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AGU Sessions of Interest

The following is a relevant pre-meeting Ocean Observatories Initiative (OOI)-run workshop to address using Carbon Cycle data. It is not necessary to be registered for AGU to attend the meeting.

Title: Advancing Ocean Carbon Science: OOI SUGR Meeting on Data Quality and Best Practices

Date: Sunday, December 8th Time: 11am - 2pm ET 

Agenda: The meeting will start with brief introductions, followed by three informative 20-minute presentations on topics related to ocean carbon science and data quality. After each of the presentations, there will be open discussions to explore the ideas shared. The next part of the meeting will focus on potential updates to the GOOS-Endorsed Best Practices document, where participants will discuss integrating recent developments and best practices. Finally, a demonstration of data explorer will showcase its application in enhancing data quality assessments and research. The meeting will conclude with a summary and discussion of next steps.


The following are sessions at AGU Fall Meeting 2024 that are related to Carbon Cycle Science. 

For NACP-specific suggestions, visit the NACP website.

A066: Constraining Greenhouse Gas Exchange Processes Using Remote Sensing and In Situ Observations

A104: Light-Absorbing Carbon Aerosols: Observations, Models, Processes, and Impacts

A113: New Developments in Urban Greenhouse Gas Emissions Quantification

A122: Remote sensing of CH4 and CO2 from Space: The Expanding Observing System

A130: Terrestrial Biosphere-Atmosphere Interactions and Atmospheric Chemistry

A142: Understanding Land-Atmosphere Interactions: The Role of Surface Fluxes, Boundary Layer Processes, and the Atmosphere 

B003: Advances in land carbon cycle modeling

B004: Advances in measurements, synthesis, analysis and modeling of greenhouse gas fluxes from natural ecosystems

B005: Advances in Modeling of Terrestrial Ecosystem Carbon and Water Fluxes

B008: Advances in Understanding and Constraining Uncertainties in the Terrestrial Carbon Cycle

B009: Advances in Understanding and Predicting Forest Demography and Carbon in a Changing World

B011: Advances in Understanding Water-Energy-Carbon Interactions

B013: Advances on Investigating Nutrient Cycling in Terrestrial Ecosystems (INCyTE) across Observations, Experiments and Models

B014: Advancing Environmental Monitoring through Near-Surface Imaging Technologies: Capabilities, Applications, and Future Directions

B016: Advancing Soil Carbon Predictions: From Micro to Global Scale

B019: Beyond Ice: NASA’s ICESat-2 spaceborne lidar mission for land and vegetation applications

B020: Biogeochemical and Microbial Processes across the Urban Terrestrial-Aquatic Continuum

B021: Biogeochemical Cycles of Carbon, Oxygen, Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Sulfur, and Silicon in Contemporary Earth Systems

B023: Building a More Complete Representation of Methane Dynamics Across Earth’s Ecosystems

B024: Carbon Allocation Dynamics: From Plant to Ecosystem Scale

B025: Carbon-Climate Interactions in the Methane Cycle

B026: C-FARMing - the Next Frontier for Science and Society

B027: Carbon inputs from wastewater treatment plants to aquatic ecosystems

B028: Carbon Monitoring Systems Research and Applications (Libby)

B033: Coastal Wetland Carbon and Nitrogen Cycles: Recent Advances in Measurements, Modeling, and Syntheses

B034: Consequences of drought and heat stress for terrestrial vegetation: from physiology to global feedbacks

B035: Contributions of CENTURY/DayCent Models to Biogeochemistry and Current Challenges

B036: Coupling Remote Sensing with Artificial Intelligence and Physics-Based Modeling to Improve Spatial-Temporal Prediction of SOC Stocks

B039: Drivers of forest carbon losses and effective interventions to preserve carbon in forests worldwide

B042: Ecology-Climate Connections Through Carbon, Water, and Energy Interactions

B045: Enhanced Weathering for Soil-Based Carbon Dioxide Removal: Potential and Challenges

B047: Exploring Methane Dynamics in Terrestrial and Aquatic Ecosystems via Advanced Bottom-Up, Top-down and AI/ML Modeling

B048: Forest Ecophysiology: Forest Physiological and Ecological Processes from Molecules to Ecosystems

B051: GHGs, VOCs, and the Dynamics of Environmental Parameters in Tropical Wetlands

B053: Hyperspectral Remote Sensing and Machine Learning for Precision Agriculture

B055: The Role of Fire in the Earth System: Understanding Drivers, Feedbacks, and Interactions with the Land, Atmosphere, and Society

B056: Impacts and Feedback of Phenological Changes in the Earth System

B057: Informing Terrestrial Biosphere Modeling by Integrating Diverse Observational Benchmarks

B059: Intersections of Ecology, Hydrology, and Climatology in Earth’s Drylands

B060: Land Biogeochemical Cycling Under Global Environmental Change: Patterns, Drivers, and Mechanisms

B066: Methane Emission Feedbacks from Natural Systems: Reducing Uncertainties from the Tropics to the Poles

B069: Missing Carbon: Mechanisms Controlling Carbon Transfer Across the Terrestrial-Aquatic Interface

B070: Model Data Integration to Advance Understanding of Wetland Greenhouse Gas Emissions: From Site to Global Scales

B071: Multi-Greenhouse Gas Flux Assessments to Characterize Regional to Global Scale Anthropogenic and Biogenic Emissions from Terrestrial, Oceanic and Aquatic Systems

B073: Novel Paradigms, Processes, and Emergenc Behavior in Terrestrial Ecosystem Modeling

B076: Outcomes of Research Conducted on Long Term Agricultural Research Sites

B079: Plant Ecophysiology to Power the Next-Generation Earth System Modeling

B081: Quantifying Soil Organic Carbon for Global Change: Inspiring a Community-based Data and Model Integration Effort

B082: Quantifying the Climate Impact of Freshwater Minerotrophic Wetlands

B088: Science-Based Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR) Strategies that Incorporate Monitoring Measurements, Reporting, and Verification (MMRV)

B093: Soils in the Anthropocene, as a solution to climate change? Insights from empirical, modeling and big data studies

B094: Soils in the Anthropocene: Carbon and Nutrient Coupling in Terrestrial Agroecosystems

B095: Soils in the Anthropocene: Cross-scale Mechanisms of Stabilization and Change

B096: Soils in the Anthropocene: Exploring Divergent Frameworks for Improved Understanding of Organic Matter Formation and Stability

B097: Soils in the Anthropocene: The Effect of Plant Communities and Their Microbial Associations on Soil Biogeochemistry

B100: Sun-induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence: Measurements, Modeling and Applications from Field, Airborne, and Satellite Platforms

B101: Surface-Atmosphere Interaction: Flux measurements for Real-World Impact

B102: Surface-Atmosphere Interaction: Intersections between Eddy Covariance and Remote Sensing

B103: Surface-Atmosphere Interactions: From Single Flux Measurements ot Integrated Syntheses

B104: That Doesn’t Look Right: Spikes, Outliers, and other oddities in GHG Chamber Measurements in the Age of Reproducible Science

B106: The Global Carbon Cycle and its Feedbacks with Anthropogenic Change

B107: The Global Methane Budget

B108: The Resilience and Vulnerability of Arctic and Boreal Ecosystems to Climate Change

B112: Tropical Forests Under a Changing Environment

B115: Understanding Land-Ocean Interactions through Atmospheric Teleconnections: Patterns, Mechanisms and Predictions on Perturbations to the Global Carbon Cycle

B117: Vegetation canopies: physiology, structure, function

B118: Vulnerability of Permafrost Carbon to Climate Change

C008: Changes to Subsurface Processes in Permafrost Soils due to Climate Change-Induced Thaw

EP015: Earth Observations to characterize extreme climate events and human impacts on the terrestrial carbon cycle

EP016: Earth Surface Processes and the Global Carbon Cycle

EP035: Predicting the Fate of River Deltas and Coastal Wetlands: Observations, Modeling, and Experimentation

EP040: Surface processes and carbon cycling in cold regions: observations, drivers, and impacts in a changing climate

GC004: Advancements in Climate Intervention Research Technologies, Policies and Practices: Opportunities and Issues

GC005: Advances in Enhanced Weathering for CO2 removal in (Sub-) Tropical Environments, Integrating MRV, Geochemical Modeling, and Life Cycle Analysis

GC006: Advancements in Remote Sensing and Artificial Intelligence for Soil Health Monitoring and Climate Smart Agriculture

GC014: Advances in monitoring and mitigation assessments of greenhouse (GHG) emissions and sinks for the land sector

GC022: Advancing Monitoring, Reporting, and Verification (MRV) of In-Situ, Ex-Situ, and Marine CO2 Mineralization-based Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR)

GC029: Advancing Understanding of the Impacts of Land Use and Land Cover Changes in Climate Modeling

GC040: CO2 removal at scale: Science, technology, policy and market

GC048: Climate Intervention, Mitigation, Adaption, and Restoration: Assessing the Risks and Benefits of Using Earth System Models for Guidance on Climate Action

GC054: Connecting Science and Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (MRV) Development for Cross-Pathway Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR) Technologies

GC057: Data-driven approaches to improved climate impact accounting for nature-based carbon removal

GC062: Direct and indirect linkages between greenhouse gases and air pollutants: monitoring, quantification, and management

GC067: Earth-Observation Based Methods To Monitor Forest Loss, Degradation and Growth

GC076: Forest cover dynamics, drivers, and impacts under diverse human activities and climate change

GC083: Implications of climate change for global agriculture - impacts, adaptation, mitigation

GC089: Large-Scale Carbon Dioxide Removal: Potentials, Considerations, and Challenges

GC096: Methane Mitigation - Novel Approaches to Reduce Methane Emissions and Remove Atmospheric Methane

GC097: Monitoring and measuring global impacts of livestock supply chains: environmental mitigation and ecosystem services on land

GC117: Observing, Modeling, and Predicting Greenhouse Gas Dynamics in Various Landscapes under Climate Change

GC123: Removing Technical Obstacles to Large-Scale Deployment of Geological Storage Systems

GC126: Risk analytics for a warming world

GC131: Scaling: Integrating field experiments, remote sensing, and modeling to understand terrestrial ecosystem responses to climate change

GC132: Scaling Nature-Based Climate Solutions

GC133: Scaling Potentials of Carbon Dioxide Removal Technologies: Approaches, Constraints and Challenges

GC141: Sustainable Agriculture and Climate Change: Towards agricultural decarbonization

GC145: Terrestrial biosphere-climate interactions: dynamics, impacts, and pathways to sustainability

GC146: Terrestrial enhanced rock weathering and downstream processes in soils, rivers and oceans

GC150: The Impact of Decarbonization on the Global Nitrogen Cycle

GC153: The source and fate of carbon transferred along the hydrological pathways

GC158: Unlocking the Potential of Carbon Capture and Storage Value Chain for a Sustainable Net-Zero Future

GC160: Urban Climate and Vegetation Feedbacks from the Local to Regional Scales

GC165: World on Fire: Understanding Fire Impacts on Climate, Ecosystem Structure, and Biogeochemical Cycles

H002: Advancement in Watershed Modeling: Agricultural Systems, Nutrient Balance, Carbon Cycling and Regulatory Science

H035: An Integrated Community Approach to Modeling, Observations, and Prediction of the Water Energy and Carbon Cycles Across Climate Timescales over the CONUS

H064: Experimental and Modeling Developments for Advancing Geological CO2 Storage

H126: Subsurface Processes for Energy Production and Storage, Carbon Mitigation and Waste Disposal

H148: Water and Society: Decarbonization and Sustainability Strategies for Water Systems

OS003: Advances in Understanding Nutrient Cycles and the Biological Pump in the Western Pacific Under Past, Present, and Future Climates

OS004: Advancing our Understanding of Ocean Carbon and Air-Sea Carbon Flux

OS018: Emerging Perspectives on Dissolved Organic Carbon Sources, Age, and Reactivity in the Deep Ocean

OS027: Modeling Approaches in Support of Ocean-based CDR Research

OS029: Natural Gas Hydrate Systems: Occurrence and Dynamic Behavior

OS032: Physics Informed and Data-Driven Machine Learning methods for modeling marine geoscience processes

OS036: The Impact of Climate Change and Human Activities on Carbon Sequestration in Coastal Wetlands and Strategies for Carbon Sink Enhancement

S018: Geologic Carbon Storage

SY037: Navigating Uncertainty: Assessing and Communicating Risk in Marine Carbon Dioxide Removal Research, Development, and Deployment

PP010: Carbonate Sediments through Time: Processes of Deposition and Diagenesis

PP011: Climate of the Common Era

PP017: Hyperthermals through Time: Decoding Climate Change, Ocean Circulation, and Carbon Cycle Feedbacks

PP023: Organic material as Paleo-environmental Proxies in Terrestrial Carbonates

PP033: The Deglacial carbon cycle: reconciling greenhouse gas records with marine and terrestrial data

SY060: Whole-of-Society Approaches for Addressing the Climate Crisis at Scale, from National to Local

U013: Ocean Negative Carbon Emission Approaches for Mitigating Climate Change: Mechanisms, Practices and Governance

V027: The role of carbon in mantle, magmatic and hydrothermal processes