Phase 3 Call for Applications: U.S. Carbon Program Leadership Award for North American Carbon Science Community
*** Note, if you applied for this award in Phase 1 or 2 but were not selected for the award or did not receive a selection notification, you may submit a new application to the Phase 3 announcement.

U.S. Carbon Program Leadership Award for North American Carbon Science Community Engagement, Communication and Collaborations
On November 17, 2021, the U.S. Carbon Cycle Science Program, in collaboration with the North American Carbon Program (NACP), announced the first U.S. Carbon Program Leadership Award in support of the North American carbon cycle community’s engagement, communication and collaboration opportunities.
Following a newly approved extension of this grant, we are now announcing Phase 3 of the U.S. Carbon Program Leadership Award. Please read the entire announcement below carefully and follow the instructions regarding the scope of this award before submitting your application. If you applied for this award earlier but were not selected or did not receive a notification from us, you are still eligible to submit a new application in response to this third announcement.
This award will support the meeting or workshop travel costs (accommodations, transportation and per diem for in-person meeting; registration costs for virtual or in-person meeting) of early career and/or under-represented students, scientists and practitioners primarily from North America (U.S., Canada and Mexico). Examples of 2023 and 2024 pertinent meetings/conferences for which this award could be used by the awardees include the 2023 American Geophysical Union (AGU) Annual Fall Meeting, the 2024 American Association for the Advancement of Sciences Annual Meeting, the 2024 AGU Ocean Sciences Meeting, and thematic workshops or work group meetings related to, approved by, and/or supporting the mission and interests of the U.S. Carbon Cycle Science Program (US CCSP) and North American Carbon Program (NACP). Travel support expenses for meetings of ad hoc working groups supporting the current and planned activities and priorities of the U.S. Carbon Cycle Science Program and North American Carbon Program will also be considered.
Application Deadline
Rolling submissions will be accepted from the date of the release of this Phase 3 announcement through February 29, 2024 or until funds are depleted, whichever comes first. Awards will not be made for past/completed travel.
Activity Deadline
All activities (meetings/workshops) for this award must be completed and paperwork processed by March 31, 2024. If you request support and consideration for an activity scheduled beyond March 31, 2024, you will not be eligible for this award.
Application Link
Submit your application via this form. Please read this entire announcement first.
Goals of this Award:
- To support the scientific engagement, communication, collaboration and coordination efforts of early career and/or under-represented students, scientists and practitioners;
- To facilitate the scientific training, career development and community service efforts of the award recipients.
Award Criteria:
- This is a primarily needs-based award with the intent to support the meeting/workshop registration and travel costs for early career and/or under-represented students, scientists and practitioners in the carbon cycle science and climate change science sectors in the 2023 - 2024 time period.
- If you are unemployed (e.g. full-time parent, in-between jobs, just graduated, job-seeker) but active in your field, you are still eligible for this award, as long as you are able to demonstrate clearly why you need it and how you will use this opportunity to advance the above goals.
- All applicants must demonstrate higher education and/or professional or volunteer experiences in any carbon cycle related fields of physical, natural or social sciences, including science policy areas. Academic or professional disciplines can span terrestrial, atmospheric, oceanic or societal topics or any combination of interdisciplinary topics covering the impacts of/to the carbon cycle and climate change.
- Leadership, plans and/or initiative in communication, collaboration and/or coordination efforts (e.g. publications, community outreach, websites/digital platforms etc.) related to or with carbon cycle science and/or practitioner communities must be articulated in the application/CV.
- A very short resume or CV (less than 4 pages) and application (follow this application link) must be submitted for consideration, at least 30 days before the start of the meeting, workshop or associated travel.
- Please do not reach out to us by email. Only applications submitted via the application form will be considered.
- Maximum Award per person: Awards will cover expenses up to or approximately $1200 per person per activity. If higher expenses are anticipated due to higher registration costs or other reasons, please describe the reasons in your application, with clear and trackable cost breakdowns (e.g. meeting website webpage showing registration costs) and rationale.
- U.S. Government employees are not eligible for this award.**
- Due to award restrictions, only reimbursable meeting or workshop registration costs and/or travel, food and hotel expenses with valid submitted receipts are eligible to be considered for this award.
The events, including work group meeting participation for which this award is provided, must be advertised publicly via, and/or platforms associated with the event hosting entity, and must be open, inclusive and welcoming of all interested and pertinent participants.
Expected Deliverable(s):
- Within four weeks following the completion of their participation or travel, each award recipient must provide a very short summary or blurb about what they learned from or contributed to the meeting/workshop for which they received the award, including any take-away points and/or actions and relevance to the U.S. Carbon Program and North American Carbon Program’s current and future activities and opportunities.
- If deemed appropriate, the blurbs may be published in the NACP and/or CCSP newsletters.
- Please let us know of other travel outcomes, such as journal publications, graphical representations, and blog posts in popular outlets or scientific platforms, however this award cannot be used to cover publication costs.
- If the award is granted for a work group activity, the work group can develop a group blurb, publication or deliverable in an inclusive and open format that can be used and shared by the US Carbon Cycle Science Program and North American Carbon Program.
The selection of awardees will be conducted by a special joint committee of the U.S. Carbon Cycle Science Program Office and the North American Carbon Program Office.
The last acceptable activities that this award can support will need to be completed and processed by March 31, 2024.
**The restriction applies to federal employees of the U.S. Government only.
Acknowledgment: This award is made possible through the support of USDA NIFA (Award # 20206701931396).