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Nominations and Technical Input for next U.S. National Climate Assessment

*Cross-posted from USGCRP communication*

Fifth National Climate Assessment


The U.S. Global Change Research Program (USGCRP) is pleased to announce that the call for author nominations and technical inputs for the Fifth National Climate Assessment (NCA5) is now open. Please refer to the Federal Register Notice for a full description of the call.


Prospective authors nominated through this process may be invited to serve as Chapter Lead Authors, Authors, or Technical Contributors to NCA5. For more information on author roles, see

Nominations are sought for authors with relevant subject matter expertise and backgrounds in the natural or social sciences. We encourage participation from all non-governmental sectors as well as federal employees. Individuals interested in being considered for chapter leadership positions should have experience with leading collaborative teams under deadlines. Please submit all nominations by 11:59 PM ET on Nov. 14, 2020

In addition, USGCRP is seeking submissions of relevant scientific and/or technical publications, including peer-reviewed and published literature (or literature that has been accepted for publication), as well as regional and topical information and information for cross-cutting or new topics since the previous assessment. 

Learn more and find out how to submit your nomination or technical input

Calling All Social Scientists

USGCRP and the Social Science Coordinating Committee are hosting an informational webinar for social scientists interested in contributing to NCA5 on October 27, 2020, from 3:30–4:30 PM ET. The webinar will focus on increasing the integration of social sciences throughout NCA5, and highlight opportunities for researchers and individuals to get involved. USGCRP leadership will provide an introduction to the Program and the NCA, and social scientist authors of past NCA chapters will share their experiences.